A list of simple activities to do with the children this summer

It's been a long journey from unforeseeable lockdowns, Zoom meet-ups and dates, to responsible social distancing here in the UAE.
And in an instant, 2019-2020 academic year is finished and summer is upon us!
Most of the families are cancelling their holidays and just preferred to stay in the country or staying in hotels for staycations. No travelling means the children spend more time indoors! How will they survive it? Better yet, how will the parents survive it?!
This is a guide or a list of activities you can do with them, simple and fun which will hopefully entertain them:
1. Make beautiful painting with ice cubes from Hands on As We Grow.

2. Or better yet, use blocks like what Twin Mom Refreshed did.

3. Where Imagination Grows used glittery frozen water balloons as a sensory play activity

4. This water balloon pinata by Hello Wonderful is another way to use them

5. Try painting with water balloons too like what Raising Dragons did

6. Make your own frozen popsicle chalk , recipe by Reading Confetti

7. This is a cool art activity by painting salt sculptures by Fun at Home with Kids

8. Hello wonderful made this rainbow soap foam which your toddler can enjoy too

9. Make a toy washing station at home like Busy Toddler

10. When outside, Kiwico made this sponge bullseye game for the children

11. Practice Maths with this pompom scooping activity by Happy Toddler Playtime

12. This freeze dance painting activity from Coffee Cups and Crayons will bring out your dancing moves while painting with your feet!

I hope these activities will help keep your children busy and active during these warm summer days. Stay safe!
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