One week is not enough to cover all the exciting things we can learn with this theme, let alone three days!
For Under the Sea unit, there are a lot of topics you can discuss such as:
different creatures living under the sea or ocean
the underwater plants and marine gardens
for older children, introduce the five layers or zones of the ocean: sunlight zone, the twilight zone, the midnight zone, the abyss and the trenches and the creatures that live in the different zones
Since I am teaching younger children, most of the activities we did are simpler but easier to prepare.

Some of the songs we did are:
Slippery Fish- you can find the Youtube video here. I don't know why the children love this song. Maybe because it has the words "Oh no!" and silly burping sound at the end.
Baby Shark is an all-time favourite of the children. I found a great printable from Super Simple website to make the puppets which the children enjoy using. You can laminate them and put popsicle sticks to let the children hold them.

A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea by Barefoot Books, will always want to make you dance to the beat.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive is a great rhyme for counting and revising numbers.
Tiny Tim (I Have a Little Turtle) is fun too, especially when popping the bubbles at the end. See the video how to sing it here
Check out for more Under the Sea rhymes, finger plays and action songs
This is an exciting counting game which I made with cardboard. I cut a pattern of the shark head and painted it grey-ish. I made the shark's teeth with cut-out chart paper and just taped it at the back. I also made number fish from recycled boxes. I asked the children to "feed the shark" and asked them what number they had. You can also try it with letters or sight words. Definitely using the shark again!

Since we learnt about the different sea creatures such as fish, shark, whale, octopus, blow fish, and others, I let the children be imaginative and make their own sea creatures by using cut- out shapes. We talked about what shapes and colours they used in the activity.

Simple beach tray for sensory and messy play to finish off our Under the Sea theme for the week.
I made edible sand from ground rolled oats, the sea was ground rice with blue food colour. I let it dry for a few hours and set it up.

I will add into this as we do more under the sea activities next time.
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